Yasmine and the Seven Faces of the Heptahedron

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Side Magazine—The Professor

Side Magazine is conceived as a site of research for the fourth edition of Bergen Assembly convened by Saâdane Afif. Yasmine d’O., who has been invited as curator of the upcoming edition, will be the executive editor.

Side Magazine is dedicated to the seven characters in The Heptahedron, a play written by the French poet, essayist, and scholar Thomas Clerc in 2016. In order of apparition these characters are the Professor, the Moped Rider, the Bonimenteur, the Fortune Teller, an Acrobats, the Coalman, and the Tourist.

The first issue of Side Magazine is dedicated to the figure of the Professor. It features seven articles, each of which explores the identity, role, and position of the Professor.


Contributors: Uli Aigner, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Jörg Heiser, Christian Nyampeta, Marjorie Senechal, and Vivian Slee.

Executive Editor: Yasmine d’O.
Chief Editor: Louisa Elderton
Associate Editor: Jonas von Lenthe
Concept: Saâdane Afif
Editorial Coordinator: Alix Chambaud
Research Assistant: Tatiana Rybaltchenko
Proofreader: Hannah Satz
Design: Neue Gestaltung, Berlin →

ISBN 978-3-948200-04-6, August 2021, 28 × 21 cm, 74 pages, 45 colour ills., 18 b/w ills., English, saddle-stitched softcover

€ 7,00