Data-Protection Statement and Agreement on Rights of Use
Bergen Assembly values privacy and transparency therefore all our site measurement is carried out absolutely anonymously. Cookies are not set and no personal data is collected. We do not generate any persistent device identifiers. We never store IP addresses in our database or logs. The data we process cannot be used to identify any single individual. We never sell or give any of our data to third parties.
As a visitor on this website:
- Ingen personlig informasjon samles inn
- Ingen informasjon som informasjonskapsler
lagres i nettleseren - Ingen informasjon blir delt med, sendt til eller
solgt til tredjepart - Ingen informasjon deles med annonsører
- Ingen informasjon som gjelder personlig
brukeradferd blir logget eller lagret - Vi har ingen inntekter ved ditt besøk
All of the data that we do track is kept fully secured, encrypted and hosted on renewable energy powered server in Germany. This ensures that all website data is being covered by the European Union’s strict laws on data privacy.
The software we use to analyse our user data is fully open source which means that our source code is available and accessible on GitHub so anyone can check it out and audit it. Anyone can read it, inspect it and review it to understand how it works and to ensure it keeps the data private and secure. This gives full transparency on how we handle our website traffic data. It is this transparency and openness that means that open source products can be more trustworthy than proprietary and closed source products.
You can read more at and
On the Bergen Assembly website you have the possibility of subscribing to our newsletter as well as to our press mailing list. Both mailings are sent via the service Mailchimp.
With our mailings we provide information at regular intervals about the program and the activities of the Bergen Assembly. To be able to receive these mailings you need a valid e-mail address. The e-mail address given by you will be checked to ensure that you are indeed the owner of the given e-mail address, or that its owner has authorized receipt of the mailings. To this end, after sending your newsletter subscription enquiry, you will receive an e-mail at the given address with a request for confirmation. You can cancel the subscription to the newsletter and to the press releases at any time. In the subscription process you can select the mailing list you would like to be added to (Press or Newsletter) and provide us with additional info such as your preferred language or your name. This information helps us to know what information is relevant to send you and what is not, but it is not necessary to give to Bergen Assembly.
Information from subscribing to newsletters will be stored in Mailchimp. Here we can see if you have opened our newsletter and if you have clicked any links. This is useful information for us, so we can see what kind of content you find interesting
Your information will not be used to other purposes than initially intended – to deliver newsletters. Non-personal information such as statistics about subscribers’ language preference and presence in Bergen may be used for our yearly reports to funding bodies. This information cannot be traced back to you.
Your right to access, correct and delete information
If we are treating personal information about you, you have the right to access your information. The IP-addresses we collect are not connected to a person, and therefore we do not know who this is. The access of personal information by Bergen Assembly is only regarding subscription to our newsletters.
You can ask for a copy of your information that we do hold on Mailchimp. Please contact us at In the case of wrong or incomplete information, or you are not able to correct it, you may ask us to correct the information.
Mapbox API
For directions, we use Mapbox API, a service of Mapbox Inc, 740 15th Street NW, 5 th Floor, Washington, District of Columbia 20005, USA, hereinafter only referred to as »Mapbox«. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. Our legitimate interest lies in optimizing the functionality of our website.
When using the application in which the Mapbox service is integrated, Mapbox stores a cookie on your end device via your Internet browser. This transfers information about your use of our website, including your IP address, to a Mapbox server in the USA and stores it there. This data is processed for the purpose of displaying the page or ensuring the functionality of the Mapbox service. Mapbox may share this information with third parties if required by law or if the information is processed by third parties on behalf of Mapbox.
The »Terms of Service« provided by Mapbox at contain further information about the use of Mapbox and about the data obtained by Mapbox.
If you do not agree to this processing, you have the option of preventing the installation of cookies by making the appropriate settings in your Internet browser. Details on this can be found above under the item “Cookies”. However, the use of the Mapbox service via our website is then no longer possible.
In addition, Mapbox offers a service at for further information on the collection and use of data and on your rights and options for protecting your privacy.